The green entrepreneurs of tomorrow

There is no way around it; Sustainability is the job engine of the future. The major shift to sustainable energy will create a tsunami of jobs all over the world in innovation, development and execution of a new sustainable world.

If alternative energy would get the same subsidies as fossil fuels today, the shift would already have taken place so it’s now up to politics to loosen the break and let it happen.

Looking at agriculture we are involved in a typical casus that we see all around us. In a part of Spain called Alti Plano the ground has become dead and filled with chemicals because of mono cropping and the use of Round Up.

The farmers have decided to change to multi cropping in a natural and ecological way (their European subsidy will stop immediately!) This ‘eco restoration’ will not only give them more and divers production from the fields, it will create jobs, they will make more money, birds, butterflies and other animals will re-appear and empty villages will come alive.

This is not a dream; this is reality. We should quit with the ‘old way’ as soon as we can and start living and working sustainable.

  • To all young and conscious boys and girls out there:
  • To all oldtimers that want to share their knowledge:
  • To all refugees who want to help and work:

“Work together and start the creation of a sustainable world tomorrow! Together we can ReDock and make it happen!“


  • Contact

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    • Join us //

      We want you! We are looking for designers, biologists, builders, ground staff, you name it. Leave your details here and we put you on our list and contact you when we can put you expertise to use.

    • Support us //

      We are looking for solid partners to help us with their knowledge and investments. If you are interested, Please leave your details and we will contact you as soon as possible.